When I lived overseas, I didn’t have a smart phone or internet at home. Heck, I didn’t even have water or power most of the time. The exception was when I lived in Zamboa, where my home on the farm was also my workplace. My mobile phone could only get […]
This month I have been thinking about the power of crafting…. Remember all those livelihoods projects involving sewing machines? Is that crafting for poor people? Do only the well off “craft”? But you know, crafting is cool guys. Crafting is what you make it and how you make it. What […]
Today’s blog is short and sweet. It’s about tapping into joy to bring peace, happiness and satisfaction. If I asked you to detail the main things you do in a day (shower, go to work, meet with Bob from accounting, shop for dinner, play playstation, drink wine, jog etc) how […]
Managing expectations during the holidays is often needed; we see so many other people showing off what appear to be perfect set ups on social media, and tales of harmonious family time with no arguments and the must have present of the year secured. Getting a bunch of people together […]
I ran a 28 day eco attachment challenge of 28 simple activities (you can find on my IG and start your own challenge!). The concept is fascinating – that there is a difference in being mindful of the importance of the natural environment and cultivating empathy and connection to it. […]
Why do we find it so hard to get motivated, even when we know that what we want to do will benefit us ? How many of us have started New Year’s resolutions with the best intentions but then have struggled to maintain focus and momentum? There is a little […]
Have you ever admired people who just do their thing no matter what? I am always amazed when I see people out jogging, when it’s cold, wet and dark. They always look pretty happy and don’t seem bothered by the fact that they could be inside, in the warm. I […]
I recently posted a 28 eco connection challenge on my Instagram page – I was fascinated and inspired by a study that looked at how we build eco connection and empathy. Notre Dame Professor of Psychology Darcia Narvaez wanted to test the possibility of promoting the sense of ecological attachment that […]
Why sometimes the smallest shift brings the greatest balance I am a firm believer in the practice and power of recalibration. In the coaching, personal development and wellness world we are all encouraged to focus on our goals and take action to achieve them. This is a logical way to […]
Are you feeling SAD? As I write this at 3.10pm on the 16th November, I see that the sun is already slinking down towards the horizon, and the light has changed to a strange grey green in a cloudy sky. The room is dark enough to need a light on […]