In the fast-paced world of helping professions, humanitarians, and development workers, the constant demands and challenges can often lead to feelings of overwhelm. The relentless pursuit of making a positive impact can take its toll, both mentally and emotionally. All that pressure to do something great with your time and […]
Cat Simmons
The answer lies in the mental models we create to make sense of the world around us. Mental models are cognitive frameworks that shape our perception, understanding, and interpretation of reality. They are a map of sorts, albeit one that may or may not be fully truthful or reliable. How […]
Ah, sleep. I do sometimes miss the warm nights of living overseas. But then I remember the feeling of a mosquito buzzing on my face, the attempts to readjust the world’s worst mossie net, the scratch of polyester sheets. No actual bed frame, just a foam mattress on the floor, […]
I came a fascinating concept the other day, one that somehow had escaped my radar and quite frankly it blew my mind. Suddenly it was like a light had appeared from above and was revealing a whole new way to see the world. The concept was that of digital “natives” […]
In keeping with the spirit of the title, this is not a lengthy exploration of mindfulness in its entirety. (Plenty of far more experienced and knowledgeable people have done that!). Rather, consider this a TLDR primer of the power of the mindful minute. Do not underestimate the power of a […]
Right now, I am listening to a playlist called “Songs to feel to” on Spotify. It is the perfect accompaniment to writing this blog. In the film of my life, here I am, glasses on, writing content whilst Angie Stone serenades me. Music is my guilty pleasure. I am by […]
I am finally coming up for air and remembering all those months ago when I thought it might be interesting and even perhaps helpful to create a newsletter to help people navigate easily to the blog and to share top tips….and then, well, I think you know what happened next. […]
The final tip for Christmas is the most important: Give yourself permission to eat what you want when you want.
One of the best ways to reduce stress and promote peace is the ability to work with understanding your perspective. This can be perspective in terms of differing points of view between you and others but also your own perspective on things in how they relate to the bigger picture. […]
Don’t underestimate the positive benefit of a little escapism into “games”. You have your classic board games (Rapidough a perennial fave chez moi, Monopoly not so much) which are a lot of fun. But you might want to consider the virtual gaming world – a good way to feel some […]